Look for the latest GTA Land Insights Report from Bullpen Consulting and Batory Management in your inbox!
Between Q4-2017 and Q2-2021, the figure above shows that high density land has sold in Toronto for an average of $166 pbsf in Toronto, $100 pbsf in North York, and $83 pbsf in Oakville.
In the figure below, the land-to-revenue ratio in Toronto is at 15% in 2021, while the outer 416 sits at 8% in 2021. The inner suburbs show a land-to-revenue ratio of 5% in 2021, while the outer suburbs show 6% in 2021.
If you don’t know what the land-to-revenue ratio is, you need to sign up for this report!

To learn more, make sure to read the report. If you’re not on the list, make sure you sign up! We review previous land sales where development applications have been recently submitted – this section is a must read!

Thank you to our generous sponsor Baker Real Estate.
I am a broker and I have some developer who wants to buy .
Thank you send me your report
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