Look for the latest GTA Land Insights Report from Bullpen Consulting and Batory Management in your inbox!

While fluctuating throughout the years, the median price per-buildable-square-foot (pbsf) for high-density land transactions in the GTA a landed at $98 pbsf in the ‘416 area’ and $61 pbsf in the ‘905 area’ in Q3-2021.
The data in the above figure also suggests that the prices in the 416 area vary greatly, while the prices in the 905 area tend to exist in a noticeably tighter range.
For more information on the average price per-buildable-sf, the “land-to-revenue ratio” and other key data on the high-density land market, sign up for the Land Insights Report via the link below.

To learn more, make sure to read the report. If you’re not on the list, make sure you sign up! We review previous land sales where development applications have been recently submitted – this section is a must read!
Thank you to our generous sponsor Baker Real Estate
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