On Tuesday, Bullpen Consulting and Batory Management will be emailing our second GTA High Rise Land Insights Report out to our email list. If you would like to be added to our distribution list, please fill out your name, organization & email and check your inbox on the 17th: click HERE to sign up.
We want to thank Baker Real Estate for sponsoring the report in this year. You can find them here: www.baker-re.com/
As an additional feature in this quarter’s report, we’ve added renderings of the projects proposed on the lands transacted in the first quarter. We’ve also asked Ratio.City for help in providing some massings for projects without an active development application. I guess we could have called and asked the developer/buyer for their latest rendering, but it’s more fun speculating on what they might propose to their respective municipalities.
Will the pace of high density land transactions slow with the uncertainty surrounding the new appeals process, or will strong sales continue to motivate developers to purchase sites?
If you need help evaluating your current or future sites, please reach out to us today, we can assist in removing some of that uncertainty.